Mark Williams

Mark Williams found Fort Lewis College in the 1970’s, but Colorado State University pulled him away. Since February 20,1980, his vision of the best place to live, work and raise a family means he and wife Donna have lived in Pine River Valley. They continue to make their living close to the land, along with sons Tyrell and Wyatt.
Mark started as one of the youngest of Young Farmers in 1981, served on the County Committee for US Dep’t of Ag Farm Service Agency, is a long time member of the Livestock Committee of La Plata County Fair and a founder of the Silver Stakes Award, advised Ignacio High School FFA for 15 years, works to keep Spring Creek Hall a community meeting place, coaches and cheers whatever endeavor one of his sons chooses, is a dedicated rider for Spring Creek Ditch, has served on Los Pinos Fire Protection District board for 14 years, supports both Ignacio and Bayfield school districts, and serves church and Bible study groups.
Mark joined the LAPLAWD board three years ago and is now Treasurer.
"I do it because I care. I see people hauling water and watch young couples getting started who don’t need another dry well. This district can make life better. It will happen in my lifetime."